Orange Labs are leading innovation in France and worldwide, anticipating technological revolutions and new uses, offering customers the best from telecommunications through perpetual innovation, and imagining tomorrow’s technologies. Orange Labs extensively collaborates with operators, manufacturers, universities and R&D centers. It is also actively involved in standardization and regulation bodies such as 3GPP and ITU-R. The team involved in MAESTRO-5G gather experts in traffic modeling in fixed and mobile networks as well as experts in network optimization and has been involved in several ANR projects including Winem and IDEFIX (Orange was coordinator), as well as in many European projects including CONVINcE, Gandalf (Orange was coordinator, recipient of the Celtic Excellence Award) and OperaNet (Orange was coordinator, recipient of Celtic Silver Award).
Orange participants: Perrot Nancy (project coordinator), Masucci Antonia, Benhamiche Amal, Carlinet Yannick, Ben Jemaa Sana, Simonian Alain.


Nokia is a global leader in the technologies that connect people and things. Powered by the innovation of Nokia Bell Labs and Nokia Technologies, the company is at the forefront of creating and licensing the technologies that are increasingly at the heart of our connected lives. Nokia Bell Labs, Nokia’s research and innovation arm, creates the disruptive technologies that are shaping the way the world communicates and connects. Nokia Bell Labs France is covering research on III-V photonics devices, optical transmission and signal processing, IP and optical networking, end to end mobile network solutions, software defined wireless networks, networks algorithms and control, cyber security, analytics and mathematics of complex dynamic networks. Nokia Bell Labs France is also highly active in collaborative programs, research partnerships, and joint research laboratories. In MAESTRO-5G Nokia, under responsibility of Alberto Conte, will contribute to the technical management of the project and bring its expertise on 5G and on management of virtualized resources and on hardware demonstrators for virtualized RAN.
Nokia participants: Conte Alberto (PI), Hebbar Abdelkrim, Outtagarts Abdelkader.


The Laboratoire Informatique d’Avignon (LIA) belongs to the Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse (UAPV). The LIA is the computer science laboratory of the University of Avignon. It covers three areas: Networking, Oral and Text Language Processing and Operational Research. LIA has a large experience on participation and management of cooperative projects. This is shown by its implication in many European projects and networks of excellence (CONGAS, BIONETS, SMADA, Divines, PASCAL, BioSecure, HARTES), as on national projects (Ecoscells, Winem, BIO_MUL, SIGMUND, CLADIS, BIOBIMO, FP7 Congas, Idefix). LIA also has many industrial collaborations. One goal of the Networking group is to explore the applications of game theory and queuing theory to analyze, design, and assess the performance of networks. The objective is to study the best practices in modelling and design tool for networks. Both the application of game theory to networking problems and the development of new game-
theoretic methodologies that can be applied in that context are part of our interest.
UAPV participants: Elazouzi Rachid (PI), Haddad Majed, Zhou Fen, Benslimane Abderrahim.


Public science and technology institution established in 1967, Inria is the only public research body fully dedicated to computational sciences. Inria is represented by two teams. Agora (leaded by Hervé Rivano and including Razvan Stanica) is located in the CITI laboratory of Insa Lyon. The team
focuses on the deployment, optimization and protocols for wireless networks, in particular applied to smart cities scenarios. Maestro (including Eitan Altman) is part of the Sophia Antipolis Méditerranée Inria research center. The project-team is concerned with the modeling, performance evaluation, optimization and control of stochastic discrete-event dynamical systems, with a particular emphasis on networks and their applications. Inria will bring its expertise on economic modeling and smart cities.
Inria participants: Hérvé Rivano (PI), Altman Eitan, Stanica Razvan.


The Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers is a doctoral degree-granting education establishment and Grande Ecole in engineering dedicated to providing education and conducting research for the promotion of science and industry. Its computer science and communications department CEDRIC is internationally recognized as a leading research institute. CNAM participate with members from its novel ROC research team. The involved members have a long experience in both national and international collaborative research projects. CNAM will contribute on multi-resource allocation, virtual network management and orchestration algorithms, as well as analytical modeling and performance evaluation.
CNAM participants: Boumerdassi Selma, Rovedakis Stéphane, Secci Stefano (PI) .



Telecom SudParis is a Grande Ecole of engineering. It hosts seven teaching and research departments, specializing in networking, computer science, physics, mathematics, and signal and image processing, and one mixed CNRS unit called Samovar. It delivers an IT engineering diploma each year to some 180 engineers, in addition to Master of Science and Specialized Master degrees. It also hosts an incubator. TSP will bring its expertise on traffic engineering and optimization aspects.
TSP participants: Chahed Tijani (PI), Benameur Walid.


CentraleSupelec is one of the top Graduate Engineering Schools (Grandes Ecoles) in France. Its wide spectrum covers electrical engineering, telecommunications, computer science, signal processing, control systems and power engineering. CentraleSupelec has a three-fold mission: Basic curriculum leading to the engineering degree (Master of Science level), fundamental and applied research, and continuing education. In MAESTRO-5G, CS is involved in the project through the L2S (Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes). The team spans a broad range of expertise from information theory, advanced transceiver technologies to optimal control and wireless networking.
CS participants: El Ayoubi SalahEddine (PI), De Turck Koen.